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The Wildlife Records Club of BC is now known as:
The Big Game Records Club of BC
Our new website address is:
Our new email address is:
(new logo forthcoming!!)
Do you have an animal you'd like scored?
There is no fee charged to score any animal, but if your animal exceeds the minimum score for that species (see the “minimum scores” page on this website) you will be asked to pay a $20 entry fee. We also accept all trophies previously measured by a qualified Boone & Crockett or Pope & Young scorer. Just submit a copy of the score sheet with your $20 entry fee.
To determine if you have an entry that you feel may meet or exceed the minimum score requirements, you may wish to independently rough score your animal. One way to accomplish this is to download one of our score sheets by finding your animal on the left and clicking the button.
Please read over our entry policy
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